Principles of Miracles & Love

Principles of Miracles & Love

The power of love helps us to solve any and all difficulties. A Course in Miracles has a section of 50 Miracle Principles at the beginning of the book. It is not a traditional lesson with theory and practical application, but rather set a great tone for our ongoing study of A Course in Miracles. There are several principles that deal directly with the topic of "Love," being our theme for 2022, and below is a breakdown of some of these principles.

Forgiveness Transforms Lives

Forgiveness Transforms Lives

We define forgiveness as the willingness to let go of the illusion of reality that we see in this world. Building on that definition, Lesson #23 from A Course In Miracles, one of my favorite lessons, says, “I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts,” and this practice will guide you toward strengthening and continually developing miracle mindset.