Today's lesson is number 92, Before diving in, I want to mention that I have personally found great comfort and empowerment in the affirmation "God is the strength in which I trust" from lesson 47 throughout this year. I intend to continue using it in the coming year as well, incorporating it into my daily routine.
Anyone can adopt this practice with any affirmation they choose, dedicating six months or a year to deep exploration. Moving on to lesson 92, it complements the previous lesson, 91, where we explored the idea that "miracles are seen in light." Now, lesson 92 builds upon this by adding "miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one." Although this addition may not appear revolutionary, let's engage in a quick yet focused reading to uncover its deeper meaning.
In lesson 91, we delved into what the course refers to as "level confusion." This confusion arises when we perceive reality solely in the external world, identifying with the objects and experiences we encounter, believing them to be the ultimate reality. However, the course repeatedly emphasizes that this perspective is misguided; it is akin to watching a movie, passively observing our lives as they unfold before us.
Now, let's proceed with today's lesson, building upon the previous insights. Last month, we covered the affirmation "miracles are seen in light," and today, we will explore the additional concept of "light and strength are one." While seemingly subtle, this new perspective may hold profound revelations. Let's explore its depths.
The essence of lesson 91 is to recognize that reality exists deep within us and is of a spiritual nature, unrelated to the physical body's eyes. The primary point conveyed was to undo "level confusion" and comprehend that the light enabling us to perceive clearly and experience miracles emanates from within, not from external sources. This understanding is pivotal for the message "miracles are seen in light."
During discussions on this topic, a question emerged concerning the practicality of relying on physical light to find misplaced items. In response, it was explained that the physical world, along with its elements like light, is akin to an elaborate movie or a nightmare. In a nightmare, events may seem real, but upon waking, they prove illusory and evoke a sense of relief. Similarly, physical tools, including light, are transient illusions compared to the awakened state within, where authentic tools assist us.
Applying this terminology to everyday life can be challenging, as it contrasts with conventional reality. A reminder to approach experiences with the awareness that they are not fundamentally real can help integrate this perspective naturally throughout the day, enabling a profound understanding of life's events as part of a beautiful dream.
The essence of your insight is the recognition that it's effortless to slip back into reacting to external perceptions as reality itself, leading to attempts to conquer or maneuver around them. However, your appreciation for this concept arises from its practical effectiveness, both personally and in your work with clients. The process of going inward to awaken from different nightmares has yielded remarkable results, reducing suffering, increasing peace, abundance, and more. Your enthusiasm stems from witnessing its profound impact rather than attempting to prove an intellectual point.
Now, let's delve into sections of lesson 92 to explore its additional dimensions beyond lesson 91. The first paragraph sets the tone by stating that today's idea extends the previous one (lesson 91). You don't associate light with strength and darkness with weakness, as your concept of seeing is intertwined with the body's eyes and brain. Thus, you believe that altering your vision is achievable by placing glasses before your eyes—a magical belief arising from identifying with the body. Similarly, the conviction that the body's brain can think is as absurd as thinking you hold the match that lights the sun or the world within your grasp.
The course emphasizes that everything experienced in the illusion, perceived as concrete and real by the body, is part of a dream. Awakening dissolves this illusion, revealing a non-physical, spiritual reality within. Clients sometimes express the need for medication to address challenges like depression or anxiety, altering their feelings and thoughts. While acknowledging the value of medicine, it aligns with the paradigm we're discussing—a system within the nightmare where medication can mitigate certain aspects channeled by aggression, depression, or ADHD. The mental activity arises from a non-physical transmitter in the universe, akin to a radio station emitting thoughts, received by the brain like a radio.
During a conversation, participants discussed ideas spontaneously appearing in their minds, seemingly from nowhere—an idea reminiscent of the void mentioned in various religions and spiritual paths. This void is a non-physical source from which divine thoughts emerge, before being influenced by the ego. The central point conveyed is that we believe the physical realm is essential for thought, perception, and behavior, but it isn't. The text refers to glasses for vision and uses the word "foolish," possibly in a lighthearted manner, as the speaker is Jesus in A Course in Miracles.
The lesson presents ideas that may initially appear absurd to us, leading to feelings of foolishness for not fully embracing them. Repetition is often required for these concepts to become compelling. The lesson delves deeper into the upside-down nature of reality, addressing what was referred to as "level confusion" using examples.
In this lesson, there is a passage referring to a place in the invisible realm that can be accessed through meditation. It is a meeting point for various powers like miracles, light, strength, wisdom, vision, power, abundance, and love. The headline emphasizes "light and strength," but the actual text suggests the convergence of many elements.
In paragraph nine, it is stated that the strength within us offers the light and guides our perception, helping us avoid self-deception arising from idle shadows seen by the body's eyes. The unification of strength and light in ourselves creates a meeting place where we can find peace and reunite with our true selves as God's children.
Lastly, the lesson typically provides practical recommendations. However, the text doesn't explicitly state one in this case.
In paragraph ten, the lesson suggests dedicating 20 minutes twice a day to engage in a meditation process, bringing oneself to the meeting place of the small self and the big Self, where light and strength unite. This practice enhances our ability to see truth and connect with empowering aspects within.
The course does not condemn the body; it is not inherently evil but may have limitations. The malicious ego, however, lurks behind references to the body and seeks to deceive us with illusions, distracting us from delving deeper into our spiritual essence. Understanding this distinction is crucial, as the course emphasizes that the body is neutral at best and limited at worst, but not evil.
Regarding the distinction between the self and the Self, an analogy can be drawn from waves in the ocean. The small self (small "s") is akin to individual waves, while the big Self (big "S") represents the entire ocean. Dolphins, for instance, are small "s"s, jumping in and out of the water, yet they rely on the big "S" (ocean) for their existence and actions. The section highlights the importance of consciously understanding the unification of these aspects, as the ego often attempts to make us believe we are disconnected from the bigger Self, independent and thriving without it.
We have now reached chapter eight of the book, marking the end of its main content. To provide a quick overview, we explored three keys in chapter three, focusing on the model of the psyche. In chapter four, we delved into various mind training tools, including "cleaning" or ho'oponopono, akin to the concept of Atonement in A Course in Miracles. This powerful tool serves as a means for leaders to influence organizations, teams, and divisions from a distance by deleting negative programming as it arises. The Goals Grid allowed us to map out health, wealth, love, and enlightenment against the three keys discussed in the book: the practical, the blueprint, and the Inner Genius. This served as preparation for creating the one-page mind trainer, leading into digital vision boards, which were explored in detail, along with your engaging and aesthetically pleasing approach to creating them.
Now, let's delve into chapter eight, which primarily centers around the reminder to practice consistently. Throughout the book, each chapter incorporates references from A Course in Miracles, particularly on the topic of nightmares. The chapter emphasizes the transformative power of seeking enlightenment and accepting it, which dispels fears akin to the fears of little children when faced with frightening perceptions they don't comprehend.
If they conceal their nightmares, they will retain them. Assisting an uncertain child is straightforward since they acknowledge their lack of understanding. However, you believe you comprehend your perceptions. Similar to a little child hiding under the covers, you obscure your nightmares in the darkness of false certainty, refusing to confront them. This underscores the significance of our approach to nightmares to miracles and why we follow the comprehensive, multidimensional lessons that address the miracle mindset. By providing a supportive environment, we can examine and release traumas, pain points, and toxic experiences that may obstruct our ability to recognize and appreciate inner miracles.
In therapy and coaching, creating a safe space for clients to confront their pain points is crucial for their release. Employing 21-day, 30-day, 60-day, or 90-day campaigns enables consistent progress in this process. The focus often centers on the one-page mind trainer, with regular reviews of its various sections. Incorporating Lesson 77 from A Course in Miracles, "I am entitled to miracles," serves as an overarching guide for the campaigns, helping clients start each day with a positive tone.
I believe in the power of entitlement to miracles, which applies to all our goals, be it in health, wealth, love, or other areas of life. To embrace this mindset, we must engage in daily practices to delete negative programming. Chapter four introduced various tools, including affirmations, guided meditations, hypnosis programs, subliminals, and triliminals, which can be combined to create a customized daily regimen for our specific needs.
The one-page mind trainer, a practical and digestible format, consolidates all the tools and principles we've explored throughout the book. It serves as a clear guide for continued application beyond reading the book, providing a comprehensive and holistic approach to transformation. You’ll find the inclusion of practical applications and challenges for readers. The book complements the interactive course, offering a longer and self-guided journey to learn and apply the same transformative principles. Both the book and the course present excellent value, allowing individuals to embark on a profound transformational journey to manifest miracles in their lives.