As we continue with this year’s theme on Forgiveness, I’d like to discuss Lesson 62 which says, “Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.” Let’s dive into what this lesson is trying to tell us about forgiveness and how can we become better practitioners of it.
Earlier in this series, we discussed Lesson 63 which says, “The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness.” In returning to this concept, we can understand that the light of the world is a light primarily located in divine Source or God which we can always connect to and allow that light to shine through us, and as we spread this light, we can bring peace to every mind.
The passage in this lesson uses the word, “function” which is suggesting the process by which we are to embrace that light from Source to become an extension of the light of the world. Think about an electronic item such as an air conditioner. The air conditioner has a specific function which is to make an environment a cooler temperature. We, as humans, also have functions in our human role. We are being told that the main purpose we have, just as an air conditioner has its primary function, is to engage in forgiveness. That’s our main focus in this life.
The main focus? Really? Does this make you feel intrigued or alienated? We all have our own theories of what the purpose of life is - or what the purpose of your life may be, but the course suggests that all of us should primarily function to participate in forgiveness.
After the initial introduction to this lesson, the course goes on to provide more context for this claim. It says that by engaging in this function, we will be happy, and we will be happy by releasing from the illusions about ourselves of the world simulation, which is how we have been defining forgiveness in this series. This allows us to find reason, benefit, and motivation to commit to forgiveness work. Unlike the air conditioner, humans are not programmed to blindly follow any function without a specific drive and motive, so having this rationale gives us the fuel to follow through on our paths toward reconnecting with our true nature.
When I’m coaching my clients, I hear them explain to me the various narratives that they have about life; sometimes I call this “the movie on the projection screen.” The course explains that the negative illusions we have about the world are the same as the negativity we have toward ourselves. As a coach, it’s my privilege to be a guiding hand of encouragement to release from these illusions. Releasing our attachment to them thus releases negative thinking about ourselves and opens us up to a more miraculous world and life.
In paragraph 3 of the lesson, it begins to accentuate even more benefits of forgiveness than happiness. (Even though a life filled with happiness is enough of a reason for me!) The course explains that our function of forgiveness will allow us to tap into our true strength. But every time we choose to attack or lean in to the illusion we call on weakness. “Forgiveness work will remove all sense of weakness, strain, and fatigue from your mind. It will take away all fear, guilt and pain, and it will restore the invulnerability of power God gave to you for you to enjoy in your awareness.” In summary, illusions make us weak, and forgiveness makes us strong.
The challenge for this lesson is to, “Do the very simple exercise of repeating the phrase: Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world. I would fulfill my function that I may be happy.”
Performing our function is the key to us being happy, being strong, and being channels of light in the world through Source as our strength. No matter what your role may be, CEO, leader or entrepreneur, you may choose to embrace what I call a “lighthouse brand.” This refers to the ideas that as you run your company or organization, you will be sowing out a brand message to the world - and you want that brand messaging to perpetuate light and strength to others. You can be a source of light among your professional teams, employees, other stakeholders, and your extended network, simply by honing in on your practice of forgiveness.